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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - third


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~1 number 1 3rd 2 third time lucky spoken used when you have failed to do something twice and hope to be successful the third time ~2 n 1 one of three equal parts of something 2 the lowest type of degree that is given by a British university
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  (thirds) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The third item in a series is the one that you count as number three. I sleep on the third floor... It was the third time one of his cars had gone up in flames... ORD 2. A third is one of three equal parts of something. A third of the cost went into technology and services... FRACTION 3. You say third when you want to make a third point or give a third reason for something. First, interest rates may take longer to fall than is hoped. Second, in real terms, lending may fall. Third, bad loans could wipe out much of any improvement. = thirdly ADV: ADV with cl (not last in cl) 4. A third is the lowest honours degree that can be obtained from a British university. N-COUNT: usu sing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English thridde, ~e, from Old English thridda, ~da; akin to Latin tertius ~, Greek tritos, treis three — more at three  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. being next after the second in place or time the ~ taxi in line  b. ranking next after the second of a grade or degree in authority or precedence served as ~ mate  c. being the forward speed or gear next higher than second especially in a motor vehicle  2.  a. being one of three equal parts into which something is divisible a ~ share of the money  b. being the last in each group of three in a series take out every ~ card  • ~ or ~ly adverb  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. one of three equal parts of something a ~ of the pie  2.  a. — see number table  b. one that is next after second in rank, position, authority, or precedence the ~ in line  3.  a. the musical interval embracing three diatonic degrees  b. a tone at this interval; specifically mediant  c. the harmonic combination of two tones a ~ apart  4. plural merchandise whose quality falls below the manufacturer's standard for seconds  5. ~ base  6. the ~ forward gear or speed especially of a motor vehicle ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & adj. --n. 1 the position in a sequence corresponding to that of the number 3 in the sequence 1-3. 2 something occupying this position. 3 each of three equal parts of a thing. 4 = third gear. 5 Mus. a an interval or chord spanning three consecutive notes in the diatonic scale (e.g. C to E). b a note separated from another by this interval. 6 a a place in the third class in an examination. b a person having this. --adj. that is the third. Phrases and idioms third-best adj. of third quality. --n. a thing in this category. third class the third-best group or category, esp. of hotel and train accommodation. third-class adj. 1 belonging to or travelling by the third class. 2 of lower quality; inferior. --adv. by the third class (travels third-class). third degree long and severe questioning esp. by police to obtain information or a confession. third-degree Med. denoting burns of the most severe kind, affecting lower layers of tissue. third eye 1 Hinduism & Buddhism the 'eye of insight' in the forehead of an image of a deity, esp. the god Siva. 2 the faculty of intuitive insight. third force a political group or party acting as a check on conflict between two opposing parties. third gear the third (and often next to highest) in a sequence of gears. third man 1 a fielder positioned near the boundary behind the slips. 2 this position. third part each of three equal parts into which a thing is or might be divided. third party 1 another party besides the two principals. 2 a bystander etc. third-party adj. (of insurance) covering damage or injury suffered by a person other than the insured. third person 1 = third party. 2 Gram. see PERSON. third-rate inferior; very poor in quality. third reading a third presentation of a bill to a legislative assembly, in the UK to debate committee reports and in the US to consider it for the last time. Third Reich see REICH. Third World (usu. prec. by the) the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Derivatives thirdly adv. Etymology: OE third(d)a, thridda f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) продукция третьего сорта 2) авто третья передача, третья скорость ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  middle third middle third of span ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) треть, третья часть 2) третий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. третий образец переводного векселя - a third of... Syn: third of exchange 2. прил. третьесортный, низкого качества - at third hand - the third house - third class papers - third hand - third largest - third party - third person - third rate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. (the third) третье (число) on the third of May —- третьего мая 2. третий (человек) you are the third to ask me about it —- ты уже третий, кто меня об этом спрашивает 3. третий участник игры to make a third —- стать третьим участником игры 4. тройка (отметка) to get a third in history —- получить тройку по истории 5. третья часть; одна третья, треть two thirds —- две трети to divide the cake into thirds —- разделить пирог на три части 6. разг. степень бакалавра с отличием третьей степени 7. ам. третья скорость silent third —- авт. третья бесшумная скорость 8. муз. терция major third —- большая терция 9. pl. товар третьего сорта, низкого качества 10. обыкн. pl. юр. переходящая к жене треть имущества умершего мужа 11. шестидесятая доля секунды (единица измерения плоских углов) 12. фин. третий образец переводного векселя (также third of exchange) 13. третий (по счету) he is in his third year —- ему третий год in the third place —- в-третьих third floor —- четвертый этаж; ам. третий этаж third legs —- зоол. третья пара ног (насекомого) third rail —- ж-д. третий (контактный) рельс third speed (gear) —- третья скорость to shift into third gear —- перейти на третью скорость, включить третью скорость he arrived third —- он прибыл третьим 14. составляющий одну третью часть 15. третий (из следующих друг за...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  Reich третья империя, гитлеровский рейх THIRD World polit. третий мир (неприсоединившиеся страны); развивающиеся страны; Third World countries - страны третьего мира; social policy in the Third World - социальная политика в странах третьего мира THIRD world polit. третий мир (неприсоединившиеся страны); развивающиеся страны; Third World countries - страны третьего мира; social policy in the Third World - социальная политика в странах третьего мира THIRD party  1) leg. третье лицо, третья сторона; third party risk - риск, которому подвергается третье лицо;  2) третья партия (при двухпартийной системе); third party vote - голосование за третью партию; число голосов, поданных за третью партию THIRD degree допрос с применением пыток THIRD  1. num. ord. третий; third person -  а) gram. третье лицо;  б) leg. третья сторона, свидетель (тж. third party)  2. noun  1) треть, третья часть  2) (the third) третье число  3) mus. терция ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. metathesis of юridda, from P.Gmc. *thridjas, from PIE *tritjos. Related to O.E. юreo (see three). Third degree "intense interrogation by police," first attested 1900, probably a reference to Third Degree of master mason in Freemasonry (1772), the conferring of which included an interrogation ceremony. Third class in railway travel is from 1839; third party in law, insurance, etc., is from 1818. Third world is 1963, from Fr. tiers monde, formulated by A. Sauvy in mid-1950s; his first world (The West) and second world (the Soviet bloc) never caught on. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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